Media Sponsor

Dear Academics, Entrepreneurs and Investors,As Istanbul University, we would like to invite you to share your knowledge and experience with us to build a better world for the future at II. World Conference On Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Preparatory Workshop which will be held in İstanbul on May 21, 2016 by our university and the young executives and businessmen's association (GYIAD), supported by IA by EPP.
In support of the vision 2023 Science and Technology Strategies, as Istanbul University, we already have successfully organized ‘’The World Conference On Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship’’ in May 28-30, 2015. The conference was completed under the partonage of The Republic of Turkey Science, Industry and Technology Ministry and TUBITAK. All the full text papers were indexed by ELSEVIER and published by the SCIENCE-DIRECT.
The aim of the workshop in May 2016 is to set ground for II. World Conference On Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference which will be held in 2017 by gathering academics, business and public sector representatives to share their knowledge and experiences. In doing so, will determine Turkey's contemporary economic problems and prepare policy recommendations for the aforsaid problems with the fastest and most effective way. In addition, providing recommendations to increase the R&D and innovation capacity of both the large-scale enterprises and SME will be among our aims.
As is known, after the crisis in 2001, Turkey applied extensive refroms swiftly and successfully. It has also has solved many economic problems and has become a shining star among developing countries. This being said, Turkey's economy has to increase its products high added value for the continuation of this success and improve performance and needs to concentrate its efforts to innovation to avoid the middle income trap. Especially in recent years both theoretical and applied studies, attach great importance to the intellectual capital to avoid the middle income trap. In this regard, the main topic of the workshop was determined ‘’Intellectual Economic Policies to avoid the Middle Income Trap’’ and during the workshop, with the interaction and contribution of academics, business and public sector representatives it is aimed to provide recommendations to solve this important issue within the Turkish economy.
We invite you to Istanbul which has hosted many Great Civilizations and to Istanbul University, an university with a well rooted history and strong scientific capacity shaping the future, to share our excitement.
Yours Sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Sedat Murat
Workshop General Coordinator
Istanbul University
Workshop General Coordinator
Istanbul University
Serkan Sevim
Young Businessmen Association
Young Businessmen Association